Tracking a withdrawal

These instructions can be used for any of the following scenarios:

  • Withdrawing from an LP
  • Withdrawing from Savers/Earn
  • Closing a loan


  1. Visit the 9R THORChain Tracker
  2. Use Ctrl-F or Command-F to search the web page for the last 4 digits of your destination wallet address
    • "Destination wallet address" means the address to which the funds are being sent (withdrawn) to
    • DO NOT use the "Swap Transaction ID" search box at the top of the page!

If your transaction is found, check to see which queue it's in; this will give you an idea of how long it will be before your transaction makes it onto the blockchain. Refer to THORChain queues for details.

To check the condition of your loan, refer to Loan status for details.