Gas chart for dummies

DetailsGas requiredRequired wallet connection
Swap asset X to asset YNative chain for XNative chain for X and/or Y
Swap synth X to asset YRUNE ≥0.02THORChain
LP Deposit asymm RUNERUNETHORChain
LP Withdraw asymm RUNERUNE ≥0.02THORChain
LP Deposit asymm assetNative chainNative chain
LP Withdraw asymm assetNative chainNative chain
LP Deposit symm RUNE + assetRUNE + native chainTHORChain and native chain
LP Withdraw symm RUNE + assetRUNE ≥0.02THORChain
LP Withdraw symm (100% RUNE)RUNE ≥0.02THORChain
LP Withdraw symm (100% asset)RUNE ≥0.02THORChain
Earn/Savers DepositNative chainNative chain
Earn/Savers WithdrawNative chainNative chain
Staking $THOR into $vTHORETHEthereum
Unstaking $vTHOR into $THORETHEthereum

: It is possible to swap from asset X to Y with only the native chain for X connected. You can enable the Custom Recipient Address feature in the Swap UI and then manually enter the destination address for asset Y. THORSwap populates this field for you automatically if you choose to connect both asset X and asset Y chains simultaneously.

"Native chain" means whatever chain an asset lives on. Some examples:

ChainAssetGas asset
Avalanche C-ChainUSDC (AVAX)AVAX
Binance Smart ChainUSDC (BEP20)BNB (BEP20)
Bitcoin CashBCHBCH
EthereumTHOR (ERC20)ETH
EthereumUSDC (ERC20)ETH
THORChainAny synthRUNE